Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Comics: The Decoupage Crisis

Mod Podge.

I'm cheap, so once upon a time, I tried to make my own Mod Podge, using a recipe I found at wikiHow.  It dripped, peeled when dry, and basically just stunk. Whatever makes the Podge superior, I am sold.
Why you shouldn't make your own Mod Podge
This blogger, who provides this pretty picture, clearly explains reasons why NOT to make your own Mod Podge.

So, when I got all nutty Sunday evening and started decoupaging a cigar box with the thrashed old comics that I could not sell to Undiscovered Realm, I had a bad feeling. The bottle was light, too light.

When did I even buy the bottle? I had no idea. What did I ever make with it? Not sure. I did have a visceral memory of peeling the stuff off my fingers like half-dried-snots, though, so I must have done someth--OH WAIT! I made Game Board Magnets. Whew! As my mama says, I was having a Senior Moment....

So, despite an obvious Mod Podge drought, I jumped in.

I have several comics decoupage projects in mind, some featuring big-haired women, some the flat-out awesome 1970s comic book ads ("BULLIED NO MORE!"). What seemed straightforward and easy, however, was to start my decoupage career by featuring a massive Milk Dud ad with The Joker as the lid of the cigar box.

 I HAD to wrap this 3-part ad around the outside, too. God, I love the late 70s...


Before I started slapping on the Podge willy-nilly, however, I cut out pieces from other comics to fit the side and interior panels. AND, I read "How to Decoupage a Box"...again, wikiHow. (Insert small pat on the back for educating self here.)

I wanted an ALL VILLAIN box, but in the end, what's better than opening the lid and finding Batman there, waiting to thwart all evil plans?

Admittedly, I am a snob. I assumed that I'd hate decoupage, but I love it as much as a kindergartner loves playing with glue and paper. It's rad.

I papered the interior with "newspaper stories" from The Daily Planet pages that I found tucked in several comics.


I podged the interior and side panels first. It looked awesome. I glued and glued and dreamed of Etsy shoppers fighting over it. Then, I ran out of the good stuff.

In a PANIC, I threw out a Facebook call-to-arms. To my genuine surprise, not every citizen of the Rivertowns leapt to my aid. Most made fun of me. Fair enough. But, until a mama friend called and offered me the tender mercy of a few ounces of Mod Podge, I felt like THIS:

I love this lady. I may use her in every post.

LOOK. The Joker's evil is being sealed in...forever.

And here IT IS.
I love it.
In fact, I couldn't resist taking a few electrical outlet covers off the wall and decoupaging them during Downton Abbey.


Thanks for doing unto the Crafter as you would have done unto you, Mama Jennifer. I owe you....
Copyright 2014, Tanya Monier


  1. Leaping Lotharios! You've done it again, oh, Badger of Happiness. Now time for some light switch plates. If you have any more images similar to the Spiderman one used for the outlet plate, it would look like he's flipping the switch!

  2. Hey, another idea...What about making & podging color copies of the really cool images, keeping the master copy for future use? I know, I'm a little too organized, but who knows, you might get requests for more...

  3. Oh Dang, that was a great idea for a light switch plate, copying the Spiderman. Ah well, I'm a one-of-a-kind Badger, so I make one-of-a-kind objects.
